Friday, May 15, 2009

will we be different, or just add to the list?

I don't intend for this post to sound judgmental or condemning in any way. This is just my perspective. There's my disclaimer, on to the venting.

Can a person be blessed if they go against God's commandments?
There is forgiveness, there are second chances... but what about those who have been faithful?

The waiting on God's timing
The trusting in His plan
The obedience to His Word
The submission to a code of moral, ethical, and biblical standards

Psalm 73 starts with questioning why the upright refrain from sin while sinners succeed and live plentiful lives.... but it ends in "But [it is] good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, That I may declare all Your works." In the end, who will succeed? Those who have put their trust in God. And why do we trust in Him? To declare His work-- to GLORIFY our Creator. That is our purpose. In the end, the wicked (sinners) will fall and fail, they will see the true end of their means.

So, to those that may be compromising, floating, justifying, living on the fence... or to those professing Christians who think everything is "ok"... everything is NOT ok!

I am not suggesting that I am above or more "holy" than another. I have my share of screw ups, bad habits, and issues.

But I have seen a trend, a very sad and humbling trend. A trend that wages war against every fiber of belief in my being... a war against marriage. A war against the family unit as God designed it. A war against His commandments, His plans for our life... A war against our commitments, our character, our covenants, and our faith.

I'm going to throw out some lists that I personally have observed. I don't know why it continues to shock me, scare me, sadden me... but each time I hear another statistic, another "win" for Satan... my heart breaks all over again. But also in that same moment, it resolves me to be different. To be a light in this darkness around us. To stand firm and keep our covenant of marriage. To be an example and hope to those who have none. And even though we may flail and flop in our wanderings and vices from time to time. We hold tightly to truth, to our promises, to God's promises, and to each other.

The following lists should be a reminder that Satan is at work around us and we need to be aware of his tactics so we can stand strong against him.

Yes, God can bring about good in any situation... but the blessing is far better to do what is right from the beginning rather than after.
WARNING: Don't justify your behavior by saying God will forgive you anyway. True forgiveness comes with true repentance-- TURNING AWAY from what is wrong and moving towards what is RIGHT. Confession and forgiveness should not give you the freedom to keep sinning. The Bible is clear on that. Jesus did die for your willful and continuing sins, but you remain in those sins until you come before him with genuine repentence!

Off my soapbox and onto the lists...

Keep in mind, I have led a very sheltered life. I can't imagine how the list would grow if I was in more "worldly" environments growing up.
Again, I am not suggesting condemnation or judgment. If you are offended by this, please take it to God because my intention is not to offend you-- but perhaps God may use this for conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Just through the age 18 I have personally or by second-hand witnessed broken families, divorce, verbal and emotional abuse, drunkenness, drug problems, marital issues, sexual depravity and compromise, premarital sex, suicidal attempts, homosexuality, pornography, masturbation, rebellion and disrespect, desensitization of the kind of music, movies, TV, etc we surround ourselves with, violence, vulgar and abusive language, rape, murder, lust, emotional attachments, posessiveness, pathological lying, co-dependancy, physical abuse, neglect, depression, etc. etc.

Just within my church and ministry involvement over the years I have witnessed divorce, broken families, marital issues, gossip, slander, verbal abuse, emotional issues, depression, cutting, suicidal attempts, greed, emotional abuse, premarital sex, bulimia and anorexia, sexual depravity and compromise, homosexuality, drunkenness, foul and abusive language, drug addictions, gluttony, hypocrisy, divisiveness, rebellion and disrespect, anger and hatred, desensitization, etc. etc.

And from the age 18 to now in my community and sphere of influence... on top of the first two lists, I have witnessed single parent families due to divorce and children outside of marriage, controlling and abusive marriages, suspicion and mistrust, neglect of responsibilities, emotional entrapment, financial abuse and neglect, falsifying and cheating the goverment and others, adultery, premarital living situations, insensativity, teen pregnancies, negatively enabling relationships and friendships, pologamy, worship of false Gods and idols, false religions of all sorts, demon possesion, emotional spiritual and physical abandonment, manipulation, lying, deep emotional trauma, lack of compassion, love of money, love of power and control, detachment from reality and others, mockery of God and Christians, support of anti-biblical principles such as abortion homosexuality freedom of religion freedom of speech, justification of sin, total moral depravity, degrading the sanctity of marriage, materialism, selfishness, narcisissm, lust, tolerance of sin, etc. etc.

I make this list because I am becoming more and more aware of where my culture, my community, and even my church and friends are going. I do not spend my days looking for faults in others, nor do I suggest I am above everyone who may have/had one or more of these issues listed above. But we as believers should be alarmed and concerned about this list. I am only 26 years old. And I strongly believe that had I been born 60 years ago, my list would be much much smaller by the age of 26. We are living in a time when it is not just important but CRUCIAL that we hold on to our beliefs and LIVE what we believe, not just say we believe them but do something different. That is hypocrisy my friend... we can not be wallflower Christians. We can not just go to church and feel like we're doing ok. We MUST stand up for God's truth. We MUST do what is right and hold onto integrity. We MUST be different, loving, compassionate, and speaking truth boldly.

Don't add to this list, friends. Start changing the trends by being different. Stand with us and hold tight to Biblical marital values. To Biblical family values. To Biblical financial principals. To Biblical political views. To Biblical laws of truth. To Biblical friendships and relationships within the body of Christ as the CHURCH. To Biblical views on compassion, forgiveness, boldness, love, integrity, and faith in Jesus with repentance. Live what you say you believe.

As our friend Gary Brady said to Jonathan and I the other day: "Watch people's feet, not their mouths." Are we Christians by our confessions, or by our actions?

When I was 17 years old, I stood amongst a crowd of 60,000 roaring teenagers crying out to God. Yes, some was probably emotional hype. I've been on both sides of that coin. But that day, a call was made to take a stand to be different. To stand up for what is right. To be a leader in my generation. And that day in April of 2000, shortly before I graduated highschool, I stood up and made the decision to be different. To be a leader. To stand up for what is right.

Now I am asking you to make that stand with me. We need to, friends. For our family, our community, our country, our children and grandchildren. For the following generations. For the sake of Christ and what He did for us. For the Gospel itself.

STAND now, be different.
My father told me shortly before I moved away after highschool, "Be a leader, not a follower." Let's stand together and be leaders instead of following the trends around us.

Thank you for reading. I'd appreciate comments.

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