Sunday, January 18, 2009

eek! happy new year!

wow, I am so sorry I left you guys hanging for over a month... so it's 2009 now. we had a great Christmas together as a married couple, and spent time with friends here in VA. Had a wonderful vacation down in Florida with Jonathan's family and my brother's family and LEAH! my neice!! a week full of wide smiles and good times in warm weather. Spent a day at the Kennedy Space Center, rang in the New Year while watching Disney's fireworks display from our resort balcony,  and even scored some free tickets to Busch Gardens in Tampa!

We're now into 2009 contemplating our next adventures and quickly came the realization that all of our "big milestones" up to this point have been reached. 

Highschool graduation--check. 
College and career--check. 
Engagement and marriage--check. 

Um. now what? I know the first thing that is popping into your heads right now is, "Babies!!!" and NO, I am not pregnant, and no, we don't plan on having a baby quite yet. In God's timing (and hopefully that matches our timing, but that's not up to us).

We are still settling into the adventure of marriage, finding some cozy routines and learning more about ourselves and each other all the time. We are finding joy in the constant confirmation and reassurance that God DID bring us together, and we DID make a wonderful choice in getting married. Timing was perfect, and more importantly, the person we married complements and challenges us in ways that only God have directed and planned. We love being together! The best friend-meets husband/wife relationship is hands-down one of the greatest ideas God has come up with!

Jonathan recently received a raise at his job, and it was ironically during a time where we had decided that I would go part time so that I am able to help at home more and pursue other ventures such as photography and art. 
This week is my first week at official part time and I am relieved and refreshed at the thought of being home long enough to actually keep up with the house and have time to run errands and work on projects. I have already done some paid photography for several Seniors in the area with a possible wedding next month. I am also hoping to connect with a lady who is a craft artist that I've gotten to know a little. She and I have discussed teaming up to work together and that will give me the opportunity to sell some photography and artwork at craft/art shows this Spring.

Is it a good feeling to know God has blessed us financially enough that I don't HAVE to work a full time job. For the first time since I was 16 years old, I am able to really pursue things that I feel are more in line with my gifts and talents, without the financial strain or the burden of a full time job. I enjoy work... but it has been a means to the end. Now I can do both guilt-free. I can work to still contribute to the family income (and cover the expenses of my hobbies), but now I can also spend time on my hobbies and not worry about neglecting other areas of my life or sacrificing sleep to get it done.

How quickly one completed milestone can be replaced with new dreams and goals... and last week we sat down together and decided to plan out some trips to use up all those wonderful free ticket vouchers we accumulated last summer...
So for those of you wondering, we have some tentative plans to go to:

East Texas! 
Beginning of April for approx 3 days, hopefully catch some of Jonathan's alumni weekend activities and spend time with friends in Longview and Tyler area.

Ohio AND Illinois! 
Second week of May, for a visit with friends and family in Charisma's hometown and also to see Rosanna and Nathan's college graduation!

These are obviously still in the works and are subject to change depending on the airline stipulations and work schedules, but we're hoping they'll come through and work out for us to go... and the cool thing about it is, we won't have to pay to get there! Thanks Airtran and United for overbooking flights and delaying luggage arrivals!

Well there's the update. pictures are still on the camera, but I'll get them on here soon enough. :)

1 comment:

Alice said...

yeah for comming to ohio.
I cannot wait to see you well I hope I get to see you two.