Sunday, June 22, 2008

is this really happening?

married life is just around the corner and although my anxiousness might appear as nervousness or unsettledness, it is quite the opposite. Aside from my control-freak nature doing what it does best in trying to freak me out with all the things I must do in order for it to be done right (I'm learning to let go and delegate. I've reached the point of "sure I don't care whatever sounds good as long as it's done, looks nice, and I don't have to do it myself")... my anxiousness is drawn from the reality of THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!

the future, the someday, the maybe itwouldbenice day... is within arms reach. just weeks away. not months not years...

and you know what? I can't wait!

and you know why? because I get to spend my life with my best friend!

no more break ups. no more dating. no more awkward "does he like me? will this work out?" questions...

marriage is for life. it won't be easy, but it will be good...

and you know why? because God created marriage, he is for marriage. and if we're for God and keep him in the center of this relationship, it is sure to succeed.


Alice said...

you are so cute.
everything you said is so true, marriage is His.
i am really excited for you, keep on planning for your day.
love you.

ro said...

i love your innocence and sincere faith. it will indeed hold you together. may you be blessed as you enter this union for life:)